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vastly enhanced PID-Thijs

Control Overview

  • It has two input SMA connectors and one Sub D9 input connector. The first SMA connector CONN1 is the setpoint signal input. The second SMA connector CONN2 is the input of the signal that has to be controlled. In case of a current stabilization, the second SMA input can be exchanged with a Sub D9 connector CONN7 by a jumper J9. The Sub D9 connector can be connected to a hall sensor. It gives a voltage supply and receives a current signal from the sensor that is transduced into a voltage on board. The pin configuration is suited for a LEM IT 200-S Ultrastab current transducer.
  • The three input connectors are followed by a jumper pair which can be used to optionally invert the signals at the following instrumentation amplifiers. In order to obtain an error signal, the input signals have to be of opposing sign. At the operational amplifier U4, the input signals are summed. Here, a dipswitch S1 should be used to adjust the voltage level of the error signal. The resistors R11 to R15 are connected in parallel (Remember: 1/Rges=1/R1+…1/Rn). In order to choose an order of magnitude for the amplification, only enable one resistor at a time. The amplification factors for the following dipswitch configurations are: (0000)=1M/10k=100, (x000)=50, (0x00)=10, (00×0)=1, (000x)=0.1.
  • The next part is the actual PID controller with P-, I- and D-parts connected in parallel.
  • The P-part has a fixed amplification factor of 1.
  • The I-part has an adjustable amplification factor. It is adjusted by two dipswitches S2 and S3. The amplification at an integrating operational amplifier is given by -1/(R*C). Dipswitch S3 switches capacitors that are connected in parallel. This dipswitch gives the order of magnitude with (0000)=1/1n=10^9
  • Additionally, there are up to three TTL input connectors. The first TTL signal is for discharging the capacitor in the integrator part, the second one quickly turns off the controller and the third one, if enabled, gives the setpoint signal to the output.
  • As well as the Thijs-PID, there is a optional voltage offset that has to be enabled with a jumper. It can be adjusted with a potentiometer.
  • Instead of using potis for the adjustment of the amplification, this controller uses dipswitches for the resistors and capacitors such that the amplification can easily be read out.
  • The controller has four monitor outputs for the input signal, the internal error signal, the internal control signal and the output control signal.
  • The are two optional filters that can be enabled behind the PID part.
  • In the end there is an optional ideal diode that gives only positive control signals as they are needed for AOM drivers.

Choice of operational amplifiers: * the integrator has a OP27 which has a very low input voltage offset.

Detailed Control Options


Connector Purpose Description
CONN1 SMA signal input
CONN2 SUB D9 signal input It is supposed to be connected to a current transducer. The pin configuration fits a LEM IT 200-S Ultrastab.
CONN3 SMA setpoint signal
CONN4 SMA monitor signal gives the input signal
CONN6 SMA monitor internal error signal It gives the error signal that is given to the PID controller. The input signal is substracted from the setpoint signal.
CONN7 JAE 5V voltage supply has to be connected to the front panel's coaxial power connector
CONN8 SMA monitor internal control signal gives the output of the PID part before any other operation (e.g. filtering) is performed
CONN9 SMA TTL input fast shut down if signal is high, controller is shut down fast
CONN10 SMA TTL input discharge integral part if signal is high, short cuts the integral part in order to discharge the integral capacity
CONN11 SMA output signal output of the controller signal
CONN12 SMA monitor output signal
CONN13 SMA TTL input pick off setpoint signal if signal is high, picks off the setpoint signal and gives it to the output signal
CONN14 JAE 5 Pin
CONN15 XLR power plug voltage supply


Jumper Purpose Description
J1 ground connection for CONN2 housing
J2 ground connection for housing
1J1 sign of the setpoint input at the instrumentation amplifier at 1U1
1J2 sign of the input signal at the instrumentation amplifier at 1U3
1J3 sign of the current transducer signal at the instrumentation amplifier at 1U4
1J4 chooses input signal either from CONN1 or CONN2
1J5 enables/disables an input offset
3J1 enables/disables optional low-pass filters
3J2 enables/disables optional high-pass filter
3J3 enables/disables an output offset
3J4 enables/disables optional ideal diode
3J5 choose which TTL signal to use to shut down the controller
4J1 if enabled, sets supply voltage to +12V instead of +15V 4J1 and 4J2 should always be both enabled or disabled
4J2 if enabled, sets supply voltage to -12V instead of -15V


First amplification

  • Dipswitch 1S1
  • compared to 10k resistor
setting amplification resistor
0000 100 1M
x000 50 1M
0x00 10 100k
00×0 1 10k
000x 0.1 1k

Integral amplification

  • amplification is calculated by -1/(R*C)
  • use Dipswitch 2S2 to adjust the order of magnitude and 2S1 for a fine adjustment of the amplification
  • Dipswitch 2S1 resistors
setting amplification (*10 5) resistor
0000 1 100k
x000 8.7 13k
0x00 6 20k
00×0 4 33k
000x 2 100k
  • Dipswitch 2S2 capacities
setting amplification (*10 6) capacity
0000 10000 100p
x000 1000 1n
0x00 100 10n
00×0 10 100n
000x 1 1u

Differential amplification

  • amplification is calculated by -(R*C)
  • use Dipswitch 2S3 to adjust the order of magnitude and 2S4 for a fine adjustment of the amplification
  • Dipswitch 2S3 capacities
setting amplification (*10 9) capacity
0000 1 1n
x000 1000 1u
0x00 100 100n
00×0 10 10n
000x 2 1n

* Dipswitch 2S4 resistors

setting amplification (*109) resistor
0000 1 10k
x000 8 40k
0x00 6 15k
00×0 4 6.8k
000x 2 2.4k

Final amplification

  • the output stage has a fixed amplification of 21 but in front of the output stage is a voltage divider, that can be used to amplify or attenuate the signal
  • amplification is calculated by R2/(R1+R2)
  • use Dipswitch 3S6 to adjust the order of magnitude and 3S11 for a fine adjustment of the amplification
  • Dipswitch 3S6 resistors
setting amplification resistor
0000 0.0001 1M
x000 0.1 1k
0x00 0.01 10k
00×0 0.001 100k
000x 0.0002 1M
  • Dipswitch 3S11 resistors
  • the exact amplification varies with the chosen resistor at dipswitch 3S6
  • the total maximum amplification at the output stage is 12.6 (given by 21*0.6 when all resistors are activated and 1k is chosen at 3S6)
setting amplification (with 1k @3S6) resistor
0000 0.1 100
x000 0.44 680
0x00 0.33 390
00×0 0.23 200
000x 0.17 100

* in this case, the amplification can be chosen more precisely by combining several resistors



V2.1: July 2021


In Use

Reproduction Effort: FIXME


Mareike Hetzel;


Various Experiments in Group Klempt





Test Protocol

Voltage supply

  • supply voltage: give a supply voltage of +/-18V. Check if the voltage regulators 4U1 and 4U4 receive +/-18V and give +/-15V at pin 2.
  • reference voltage: check that 4U2 pin 6 gives +10V and 4U3 pin 6 gives -10V (which it will not do until you fix the following mistakes):
  • first possible mistake: 4U2 is probably not connected to an input voltage of +18V. It can be solved by adding a cable
  • second possible mistake: 4U2, 4U3 do not have a ground connection, 4U3 is not properly connected to the voltage supply
  • check if jumpers 4J1 and 4J2 are set, the supply voltage is set to +/-12V. Do not use these jumpers in the following.

Input signals

  • give an triangle input signal at CONN1.
  • check if the Monitor signal input at CONN4 gives the (inverted) input signal with the same amplitude (the sign depends on the jumper setting at 1J2)
  • test input offset: set jumper 1J5 and turn the poti 1R14. The signal should go up and down.
  • check if 1U5 pin 6 gives the inverted input signal.
  • check the internal error signal monitor output. It should give the inverted signal with an amplification defined at dipswitch 1S1.
  • test first amplification stage: check if 1S1 setting 00×0 gives an amplification of 1. (0000, x000, 0x00, 000x) should correspond to amplification factors (100, 50, 10, 0.1).
  • the red, green and red LEDs 1D1, 1D3 and 1D2 should alternatingly glow.

PID controller

  • disable I- and D-part with 2S6 and 2S7.
  • the internal control monitor signal at CONN8 should give the non-inverted signal with the same amplitude
  • disable 2S5 and enable the I-part with switch 2S6. Signal either saturates or a sinusoidal signal is arising. Use dipswitch configuration 2S1 (0000), 2S2 (000x) (smallest amplification).
  • press 2S8 to check if the discharging of the integrator works. The signal should vanish for the time the button is pressed.
  • disable 2S6 and enable the D-part with switch 2S7. It should give a square-wave signal. Use dipswitch configuration 2S3 (0000), 2S4 (0000) (smallest amplification).

Low-pass filter

  • set jumper 3J1 such that the low-pass filter is enabled.
  • give a triangle signal of about 1kHz. Look at signal of 3U1 and 3U2 at pin 6. The triangle should have rounded edges and a significant phase shift compared to the input signal.

High-pass filter

Ideal diode

  • set jumper 3J4 such that the ideal diode is enabled.
  • measure at 3J4. Only the positive part of the triangle signal should be left.

Output offset

  • enable jumper 3J3. Measure at pin 6 of 3U3.
  • by turning 3R10, the signal should go up and down.

Final amplification

  • choose at dipswitch 3S6 configuration (0000) and at 3S11 (0000) for smallest amplification (0.00001) to start with.
  • the output stage has an additional amplification factor of 21.
  • check the monitor signal at CONN12. It should give the inverted signal (maybe) compared to 3U7 pin 6.

TTL signals

  • connect 5V supply
  • I-part: enable the integrator at switch 2S6 and connect a TTL signal (+3.3-5V pulse) to CONN10
  • when the TTL is enabled, the integrator signal should vanish (similar to the discharging butten 2S8)
  • Fast shut down: generate a control output signal with P- I- and/or D-part. Connect a TTL signal to CONN9. When the TTL signal is enabled, the controller output should vanish.
  • pickoff setpoint signal: give a setpoint signal that looks different to the control signal (this is usually the case when the integrator is enabled, as it smoothes out edges). Connect a TTL signal to CONN13. When the ttl signal is enabled, the controller output should give the setpoint signal. Make sure it is not the control signal that you still see (e.g. it does not change when you change control parameters in P, I and D.).
  • or: turn off P-, I- and D-part. When TTL is disabled, there should not be an output signal, when enabled, it should give the setpoint signal.
  • discharge I part feature+





was wieviel E-Preis Preis Anmerkung
Leiterplatte 1x ??.?? € 1/n von XXX EUR
Gehäuse 1x ??.?? €
* ?x ??.?? €
R,C ??x 0.02 € Bauform 0805
Bestückung ??.00 € bei SRM
Verschnitt ?.?? €


What the next version should do better: (:no:: abandoned, :Ok:: WIP, :ok:: in the Schematic, but not the Layout, :OK:: done)

Version 2.1

  • Footprints for 3C1 and 3C2 are larger than the size of the required components
  • The access holes for the trimmers 1R14 and 3R10 are located too low in the front plate, necessitating the trimmer cover to be installed upside down to get it low enough to fit.
  • Switches 2S5, 2S6 and 2S7 are recessed more than is optimal, shortening the accessible length of their arms.
  • The chosen two-part plug design for CONN15 has a screw and nut for attaching the front plate section roughly at the height of the board. Currently, the board bends down at this point if it is not modified to fit properly.