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Old Revisions

These are the older revisons of the current document. To revert to an old revision, select it from below, click Edit this page and save it.

  • 2024/08/07 17:50 Optokoppler – [mit Photodarlington] Kein www-Link kmk -115 B (current)
  • 2024/08/06 11:23 Show differences to current revisions Optokoppler – [Ohne Opto] moussa +18 B
  • 2024/08/06 11:21 Show differences to current revisions Optokoppler – [zur nicht-invertierenden Übertragung digitaler Signale] moussa +5 B
  • 2024/08/06 11:21 Show differences to current revisions Optokoppler – [Ohne Opto] moussa -75 B
  • 2024/08/06 11:18 Show differences to current revisions Optokoppler – [für hohe Hochspannung] moussa -149 B
  • 2024/08/06 11:13 Show differences to current revisions Optokoppler – [mit Photo-Triac] moussa -101 B
  • 2024/08/06 11:11 Show differences to current revisions Optokoppler – [mit PhotoFET] moussa -8 B
  • 2024/08/06 11:09 Show differences to current revisions Optokoppler – [zur nicht-invertierenden Übertragung digitaler Signale] moussa +2 B
  • 2024/08/06 11:08 Show differences to current revisions Optokoppler – [zum Schalten großer MOSFETs] moussa -23 B
  • 2024/08/06 11:06 Show differences to current revisions Optokoppler – [zur nicht-invertierenden Übertragung digitaler Signale] moussa -136 B
  • 2024/08/06 10:59 Show differences to current revisions Optokoppler – [mit invertierendem digitalem Ausgang] moussa -122 B
  • 2024/08/06 10:53 Show differences to current revisions Optokoppler – [mit Photodarlington] moussa +7 B
  • 2024/08/06 10:52 Show differences to current revisions Optokoppler – [mit Photodarlington] moussa +105 B
  • 2024/08/06 10:48 Show differences to current revisions Optokoppler – [mit Phototransistor] moussa -98 B
  • 2024/08/06 10:03 Show differences to current revisions Optokoppler – [mit zehn Photodioden] moussa +8 B
  • 2024/08/06 09:58 Show differences to current revisions Optokoppler – [mit zwei Photodioden] moussa -44 B
  • 2023/03/17 22:19 Show differences to current revisions Optokoppler – old revision restored (2023/03/17 23:16) IPL1050 entfertn, weil nicht mehr lieferbar kmk -155 B
  • 2023/03/17 22:17 Show differences to current revisions Optokoppler – [mit zehn Photodioden] Link ins Internet-Archiv kmk +3 B
  • 2023/03/17 22:16 Show differences to current revisions Optokoppler – old revision restored (2023/03/17 23:03) kmk +8 KB
  • 2023/03/17 22:13 Show differences to current revisions Optokoppler – [mit zehn Photodioden] überflüssiges <del> kmk -8.1 KB